
This is a list of my publications, by type.

Theses, Books, and Book Chapters

Di Ciccio, C., García-Bañuelos, L., Hull, R., Staples, M. (editors) (2019) Proceedings of the BPM 2019 Blockchain Forum, Springer, LNBIP, vol. 361.

Xu, X., Weber, I., and Staples, M. (2019) Architecture for Blockchain Applications, Springer, ISBN 9783030030346.

Staples, M. (2011) Software Product Lines. Chapter in Essential Software Architecture, 2nd ed., Gorton, I. Springer, ISBN 9783642191756.

Staples, M. (2006) Software Product Lines. Chapter in Essential Software Architecture, Gorton, I., Springer, ISBN 3540287132.

Han, J., and Staples, M. (editors) (2006) Proceedings of 2006 Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0769525512.

Staples, M. (1998). A Mechanised Theory of Refinement. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Journal Papers

Bandara, H. M. N. D., Staples, M., Malik, S. (2025) Designing for Shared Ledgers in Industry Ecosystems. In Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice, ACM.

Zhang, D., Pan, S., Hoang, T., Xing, Z., Staples, M., Xu, X., Yao, L., Lu, Q., Zhu, L. (2024) To be forgotten or to be fair: unveiling fairness implications of machine unlearning methods. In AI and Ethics, Vol 4, Issue 1, pp. 83-93, Springer.

Liu, Y., Lu, Q., Zhu, L., Paik H. Y., Staples, M. (2022) A systematic literature review on blockchain governance, In Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 197, Elsevier.

Weber, I., Staples, M. (2022) Rejoinder for the discussed paper “Programmable money: next-generation blockchain-based conditional payments”. In Digital Finance, Vol. 4, pp. 143-147, Springer.

Weber, I., Staples, M. (2022) Programmable money: next-generation blockchain-based conditional payments. In Digital Finance, Vol. 4, pp. 109-125, Springer.

Lo, S. K., Staples, M., Xu, X. (2021) Modelling schemes for multi-party blockchain-based systems to support integrity analysis. In Blockchain: Research and Applications, Elsevier.

Lu, Q., Tran, A. B., Weber, I., O’Connor, H., Rimba, P., Xu, X., Staples, M., Zhu, L., Jeffery, R. (2020) Integrated Model-Driven Engineering of Blockchain Applications for Business Processes and Asset Management. In Software: Practice and Experience, Vol. 51, Issue 5, Wiley.

Lo, S. K., Xu X., Staples, M., Yao, L. (2020) Reliability analysis for blockchain oracles. In Computers & Electrical Engineering, Vol. 83, May 2020.

Gramoli, V., Staples M. (2018) Blockchain standard: can we reach consensus? In IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 2, Issue 3, September 2018, pp. 16-21.

Mendling, J., Weber, I., van der Aalst, W., vom Brocke, J., Cabanillas, C., Daniel, F., Debois, S., Di Ciccio, C., Dumas, M., Dustdar, S., Gal, A., Garcia-Bannuelos, L., Governatori, G., Hull, R., La Rosa, M., Leopold, H., Leymann, F., Recker, J., Reichert, M., Reijers, H. A., Rinderle-Ma, S., Solti, A., Rosemann, M., Schulte, S., Singh, M. P., Slaats, T., Staples, M., Weber, B., Weidlich, M., Weske, M., Xu, X., Zhu, L. (2018) Blockchains for Business Process Management – Challenges and Opportunities. In Transactions on Management Information Systems, ACM, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 4:1-4:16. (arxive preprint)

Rimba, R., Tran, A. B., Weber, I., Staples, M., Ponomarev, A., Xu. X. (2018) Quantifying the Cost of Distrust: Comparing Blockchain and Cloud Services for Business Process Execution. In Information Systems Frontiers, Springer, updated in Vol 22., pp. 489-507 (2020).

Staples, M. (2015) Critical rationalism and engineering: methodology. In Synthese, Springer, Vol.192, Issue 1, pp. 337-362. (author’s preprint)

Jeffery, R., Staples, M., Andronick, J., Klein, G., Murray, T. (2015) An Empirical Research Agenda for Understanding Formal Methods Productivity. In Information and Software Technology, Vol. 60, pp. 102–112, Elsevier.

Staples, M. (2014) Critical rationalism and engineering: ontology. In Synthese, Springer, July 2014, Vol. 191, Issue 10, pp. 2255-2279. (author’s preprint)

Chiam, Y. K., Staples, M., Ye, X., Zhu, L. (2013) Applying a Selection Method to Choose Quality Attribute Techniques. In Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 1419-1436.

Liu, Y., Liang, X., Xu, L., Staples, M., and Zhu, L. (2011) Composing enterprise mashup components and services using architecture integration patterns. In Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, Vol. 84, No. 9, pp. 1436-1446.

Staples, M., and Niazi, M. (2008) Systematic Review of Organizational Motivations for Adopting CMM-based SPI. In Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, Vol. 50, pp. 605-620.

Kitchenham, B., Al-Khilidar, H., Babar, M. A., Berry, M., Cox, K., Keung, J., Kurniawati F., Staples, M., Zhang, and H., Zhu, L. (2008) Evaluating Guidelines for Empirical Software Engineering Studies. In Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, Vol. 13, No. 1, February, 97-121.

Zhu, L., Osterweil, L. J., Staples, M., Kannengeisser, U., and Simidchieva, B. I. (2007) Desiderata for Languages to be Used in the Definition of Reference Business Processes. In International Journal of Software and Informatics, Vol 1, No. 1, December, pp. 33-65.

Staples, M., Niazi, M., Jeffery, R., Abrahams, A., Byatt, P., and Murphy, R. (2007). An Exploratory Study of Why Organizations Do Not Adopt CMMI. In Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, Vol. 80, Issue 6, June, pp. 883-893.

Nedstam, J., and Staples, M. (2007). Evolving Strategies for Software Architecture and Reuse. In Software Process Improvement and Practice, Wiley, Vol. 12, Issue 3, May/June, pp. 295-309.

Staples, M., and Niazi, M. (2007) Experiences Using Systematic Review Guidelines. In Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, Vol. 80, Issue 9, September, pp. 1425-1437.

Staples, M. (2000). Interfaces for Refining Recursion and Procedures. In Formal Aspects of Computing, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 372-391.

Internationally-Refereed Conference Papers

Zhang, D., Xia, B., Liu, Y., Xu, X., Hoang, T., Xing, Z., Staples, M., Lu, Q., Zhu, L. (2024) Privacy and Copyright Protection in Generative AI: A Lifecycle Perspective. In 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on AI Engineering-Software Engineering for AI, pp. 92-97.

Bandara, D., Chen, S., Staples, M., Sai, Y. (2021) Modeling Multi-Layer Access Control Policies of a Hyperledger-Fabric-Based Agriculture Supply Chain. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security (IEEE TPS 2021), pp. 355-364.

Lu, Q., Staples, M. O’Connor, H., Chen, S., Guabtni, A., (2020) Software Architecture for Blockchain-based Trade Certificate Systems. In Proceedings 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC).

Yasaweerasinghelage, R., Staples, M., Paik, H. Y.,Weber, I. (2019) Optimising architectures for performance, cost, and security. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2019).

Lo, S. K., Xu, X., Wang, C., Weber, I., Rimba, R., Lu, Q., Staples, M. (2019) Digital-Physical Parity for Food Fraud Detection. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Blockchain (ICBC 2019).

Yasaweerasinghelage, R., Staples, M., Weber, I., Paik, H. Y. (2018) Predicting the Performance of Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics Using Architecture Modelling and Simulation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2018).

Amani, S., Begel, M., Bortin, M. Staples, M. (2018) Towards Verifying Ethereum Smart Contract Bytecode in Isabelle/HOL. In Proceedings of The 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2018).

Weber, I., Gramoli, V., Staples, M., Ponomarev, A., Holz, R., Tran, A. B., Rimba, P. (2017) On availability for blockchain-based systems. In Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’17).

Tran, A. B., Xu, Z., Weber, I., Staples, M., Rimba, P. (2017) Regerator: a Registry Generator for Blockchain. In Proceedings CAiSE’17 Forum.

Rimba, R., Tran, A. B., Weber, I., Staples, M., Ponomarev, A., Xu, X. (2017) Comparing Blockchain and Cloud Services for Business Process Execution. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017).

Yasaweerasinghelage, R., Staples, M. Weber, I. (2017) Predicting Latency of Blockchain-Based Systems Using Architectural Modelling and Simulation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017).

Xu, X., Weber, I., Staples, M., Zhu, L., Bosch, J., Bass, L., Pautasso, C., Rimba, R. (2017) A Taxonomy of Blockchain-based Systems for Architecture Design. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017).

Staples, M., Zhu, L. Grundy, J. (2016) Continuous Validation for Data Analytics Systems. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016).

Staples, M. (2015) The Unending Quest for Valid, Useful Software Engineering Theories. In Proceedings of the 4th SEMAT Workshop on a General Theory of Software Engineering (GTSE 2015), an ICSE 2015 workshop, pp. 47-58.

Matichuk, D., Murray, T., Andronick, J., Jeffery, R., Klein, G., Staples, M. (2015) Empirical Study towards a Leading Indicator for Cost of Formal Software Verification. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015). (pdf)

Staples, M., Jeffery, R., Andronick, J., Murray, T., Klein, G., Kolanski, R.,  (2014) Productivity for Proof Engineering. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2014), ACM, Article No. 15.

Staples, M., Kolanski, R., Klein, G., Lewis, C., Andronick, J., Murray, T., Jeffery, R., Bass, L. (2013) Formal Specifications Better than Function Points for Code Sizing. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2013), IEEE, pp. 1257 – 1260.

Kuz, I., Zhu., L., Bass, L., Staples, M., Xu, X. (2012) An Architectural Approach for Cost Effective Trustworthy Systems. In 2012 Joint Working Conference on Software Architecture and 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2012). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 325-328.

Kusumo, D., Staples, M., Zhu, L., Jeffery, R. (2012) Analyzing differences in risk perceptions between developers and acquirers in OTS-based custom software projects using stakeholder analysis. In 2012 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM ’12), ACM, pp. 69-78.

Zhang, H., Klein, G., Staples, M., Andronick, J., Zhu, L., Kolanski, R. (2012) Simulation Modeling of a Large-Scale Formal Verification Process. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP 2012), IEEE, pp. 3-12.

Andronick, J., Jeffery, R., Klein, G., Kolanski, R., Staples, M., Zhang, H., Zhu, L. (2012) Large-Scale Formal Verification in Practice: A Process Perspective. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2012), IEEE, pp. 1002-1011.

Kusumo, D., Staples, M., Zhu, H., Zhang, H., Jeffery, R. (2012) Risks of Off-the-Shelf-Based Software Acquisition and Development: A Systematic Mapping Study and a Survey. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2012), IET, pp. 233-242.

Kusumo, D., Zhu, L., Staples, M., Zhang, H. (2011) A Systematic Mapping Study on Off-The Shelf Software Acquisition. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australiasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), paper 22.

Sanim Mohd Fauzi, S., Bannerman, P., Staples, M. (2010) Software Configuration Management in Global Software Development: A Systematic Map. In Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 404-413.

Staples, M., Niazi, M. (2010) Two Case Studies on Small Enterprise Motivation and Readiness for CMMI. In The 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010). ACM, pp. 63-66. (pdf)

Chiam, Y.K., Staples, M., Zhu, L. (2010) Systematic Selection of Quality Attribute Techniques. In The 11th International Conference on Product Focused Software Development and Process Improvement (PROFES 2010). ACM, pp. 59-62. (pdf)

Xu, X. Zhu, L., Staples, M., and Liu, Y. (2009) An Architecting Method for Distributed Process-Intensive Systems. In Proceedings of Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2009 and European Conference on Software Architecture 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 277-280.

Liu, Y., Liang, X., Xu, L., Staples, M., and Zhu, L. (2009) Using Architecture Integration Patterns to Compose Enterprise Mashups. In Proceedings of Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture 2009 and European Conference on Software Architecture 2009, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 111-120.

Chiam, Y.K., Zhu, L., and Staples, M. (2009) Quality Attribute Techniques Framework. In Proceedings of 2009 European Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI 2009), Springer, pp. 173-184.

Zhu, L., Tran, T. T., Staples, M., and Jeffery, R. (2009) Technical Software Development Process in the XML Domain. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP), pp. 246-255.

Khurshid, K., Bannerman, P. L., and Staples, M. (2009) Overcoming the First Hurdle: Why Organizations Do Not Adopt CMMI. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP), pp. 38-49.

Xu, X., Zhu, L., Liu, Y., and Staples, M. (2008) Resource-Oriented Architecture for Business Processes. In Proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2008), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 395-402. (pdf)

Zhu, L., Staples, M., and Tosic, V. (2008) On Creating Industry-Wide Reference Architectures. In Proceedings of the 2008 12th International IEEE Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2008), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 24-30.

Chen, X., Staples, M., and Bannerman, P. (2008) Analysis of Dependencies between Specific Practices in CMMI Maturity Level 2. In Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2008), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol. 16, pp. 94-105.

Xu, X., Zhu, L., Liu, Y., and Staples, M., (2008) Resource-Oriented Business Process Modeling for Ultra-Large-Scale Systems. In Second International Workshop on Ultra-Large-Scale Software-Intensive Systems (ULSSIS 2008), pp. 65-68.

Zhu, L., Jeffery, R., Staples, M. (2008) Scaling Up Software Architecture Evaluation Processes. In Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Software Process (ICSP), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 5007/2008, pp. 112-122.

Zhu, L., Osterweil, L. J., Staples, M., and Kannengiesser, U. (2008) Challenges Observed in the Definition of Reference Business Processes. In Business Process Management Workshops (BPM 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4928/2008, pp. 95-107.

Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Bass, L., Gorton, I., and Staples, M. (2007) Non-Functional Property Driven Service Governance: Performance Implications. In Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service Oriented Computing (NFPSLA-SOC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4907/2009, pp. 45-55.

Chen, X., and Staples, M. (2007) Using Practice Outcome Areas to Understand Perceived Value of CMMI Specific Practices for SMEs. In Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4764/2007, pp. 59-70.

Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., and Staples, M. (2007) Impacts of Architecture and Quality Investment in Software Product Line Development. In Proceedings of the 11th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2007), IEEE, ISBN 978-0-7695-2888-5, pp. 63-73.

Zhu, L., and Staples, M. (2007) Situational Method Quality. In Proceedings of the IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences (ME07), IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Springer, Vol. 244/2007, pp. 193-206.

Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., and Staples, M. (2007) Project Cost Overrun Simulation in Software Product Line Development. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4589, pp. 330-344.

Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., and Staples, M. (2007) Project Delay Variability Simulation in Software Product Line Development. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Process, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4470/2007, pp. 283-294.

Zhu, L., Jeffery, R., Staples, M., Huo, M., and Tak Tran, T. (2007) Effects of Architecture and Technical Development Process on Micro-Process. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Process, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Vol. 4470/2007, pp. 49-60.

Zhu, L., Staples, M., and Jeffery, R. (2007) Reference Architecture for Lending Industry in ULS Systems. In Proceedings of the First ICSE Workshop on Software Technologies for Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) Systems.

Zhu, L., Staples, M. , and Gorton, I. (2007) An Infrastructure for Indexing and Organizing Best Practices. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering (REBSE-2), IEEE Computer Society.

Kitchenham, B., Al-Khilidar, H., Babar, M. A., Berry, M., Cox, K., Keung, J., Kurniawati F., Staples, M., Zhang, and H., Zhu, L. (2006) Evaluating Guidelines for Empirical Software Engineering Studies. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE international symposium on International symposium on empirical software engineering, ACM Press, pp 38-47. (Received Distinguished Paper Award at the conference.) (pdf)

Staples, M., and Niazi, M. (2006) Experiences Using Systematic Review Guidelines. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Keele University, UK, 10 – 11 April 2006, BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing.

Staples, M., and Hill, D. (2004) Experiences Adopting Software Product Line Development without a Product Line Architecture. In Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2004), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 176-183.

Lindsay, P., MacDonald, A., Staples, M., and Strooper, P. (2001). A Framework for Subsystem-based Configuration Management. In Proceedings of the Australian Software Engineering Conference 2001, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 275-284.

Staples, M. (1999). Representing WP Semantics in Isabelle/ZF. In Proceedings of TPHOLS: the 12th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher-Order Logics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1690, pp. 239-254.

Bakker, P., Lynton, A., Norris, M., Parkinson, S., Staples, M., Whiteside, A., and Wiles, J. (1994) Using Bottlenecks in Feedforward Networks as a Dimension Reduction Technique: An Application to Optimisation Tasks. In Proceedings of the Fifth Australian Conference on Neural Networks, 31 Jan-2 Feb 1994, Brisbane, pp 129-132.

Other Conference Presentations

Staples, M. (2021) Blockchain at Data61 – Research and Steps to Impact. Sponsor talk at IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 3-6 May 2021, Sydney, Australia.

Weber, I., and Staples, M. (2021) Programmable Money: Next-Generation Conditional Payments using Blockchain. Ingo Weber keynote presentation at CLOSER’21: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 27-29 April 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.

Staples, M. (2019) . A Quick Map of Software Engineering Research Opportunities for Blockchain-Based Systems. Talk at 4th Australian Software Engineering School, 8-9 Jul 2019, Sydney, Australia.

Staples, M. (2018) Blockchain Research. Invited keynote talk at Blockchain Technology for Collaborative Information Systems, 12 August 2018, Dagstuhl, Germany. Report 18332, p 73.

Staples, M. (2018) Blockchain Risks, Opportunities and Future Scenario. Invited talk at Symposium on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, University of NSW, 12-13 February 2018, Sydney, Australia.

Staples, M. (2017) Software Engineering Research for Blockchain-Based Systems. Invited keynote at Symposium on Distributed Ledger Technology, Griffith University, 13 July 2017, Gold Coast, Australia.

Staples, M. (2016) Empirical Validation of Software Theories. Invited talk at TOSE 2016: The 5th International Workshop on Theory-Oriented Software Engineering. May 15 2016, Austin, Texas, USA.

Obradovic, M., Cameron, T., Gorman, R. B., Shariati, N. H., Staples, M., Parker, J. L., Wu, C., Sharan, A. Intraoperative Recording of Evoked Compound Action Potentials as a Tool to Aid Paddle Placement for Spinal Cord Stimulation. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the North American Neuromodulation Society, Dec. 11-14, 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Staples, M. (2012) Finding and Responding to Failure in Large Formal Verifications. In AI meets Formal Software Development, Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 12271, p24.

Chiam, Y. K., Staples, M., and Zhu, L. (2009) Representation of Quality Attribute Techniques Using SPEM and EPF Composer. In Proceedings of the Industry Papers of the European Software Process Improvement (EuroSPI).
Staples, M. (2004) Change Control for Product Line Software Engineering. In Proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2004), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 572-573.

Staples, M. (1996) Flexible Interactive Transformational Reasoning. In The Fifth Australasian Refinement Workshop.

Staples, M. (1995) Window Inference in Isabelle. In Proceedings of the First Isabelle Users Workshop. University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory,Technical Report No. 379, pp. 191-205.

Technical Reports

Reserve Bank of Australia, Digital Finance CRC (2023) Australian CBDC Pilot for Digital Finance Innovation.

Garside, A., Wilkinson, S., Blycha, N., Staples, M. (2021). Digital Infrastructure Integrity Protocol for Smart and Legal Contracts DIIP 2021.

Debois S., Dumas, M., Haarmann, S., Jacobsen, H.-A., Jans, M., Mendling, J., Staples, M., Weber, B., Zerbato, F., Zhang, K. Two Perspectives on Blockchains: Capabilities vs. Features. In Blockchain Technology for Collaborative Information Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany. Report 18332, p 82.

Coblenz, M., Di Ciccio, C., Dumas, M., Fournier, F., García-Bañuelos, L., Hull, R., Lu, Q., Matulevičius, R., Siméon, J., Staples, M., Weber, I. Towards a Blockchain Collaboration Meta-Model and Language. In Blockchain Technology for Collaborative Information Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany. Report 18332, p 94.

Royal, D., Rimba, P., Staples, M., Gilder, S., Tran, A. B., Williams, E., Ponomarev, A., Weber, I., Connor, C., Lim, N. Making Money Smart: Empowering NDIS participants with Blockchain technologies. Data61 (CSIRO), Sydney and Commonwealth Bank of Australia. (There is also a companion document: Royal, D., Lim, N., Staples M., Rimba, P., Gilder, S. Making Money Smart: Indicative data analytics that could be supported by the blockchain proof of concept)

Staples, M., Chen, S., Falamaki, S., Ponomarev, A., Rimba, P., Tran, A. B., Weber, I., Xu, X., Zhu, J., (2017) Risks and opportunities for systems using blockchain and smart contracts. Data61 (CSIRO), Sydney.

Hanson R. T., Reeson A., Staples M. (2017) Distributed Ledgers, Scenarios for the Australian economy over the coming decades, Data61 (CSIRO), Canberra.

Yasaweerasinghelage, R., Staples, M. Weber, I. (2017) Using architectural modelling and simulation to predict latency of blockchain-based systems. UNSW School of Computer Science and Engineering Technical Report UNSW-CSE-TR-201704, February 2017.

Zhu, L., Staples, M., Nguyen, T. (2014) The Need for Software Architecture Evaluation in the Acquisition of Software-Intensive Systems. DSTO Technical Report DSTO-TR-2936.

Staples, M., and Niazi, M. (2006) Systematic Review of Organizational Motivations for Adopting CMM-based SPI. National ICT Australia Technical Report PA005957, February 2006.

Lindsay, P., MacDonald, A., Staples, M., and Strooper, P. (2001) A Framework for Subsystem-based Configuration Management. Technical Report No. 01-05, Software Verification Research Centre, The University of Queensland.

Staples, M. (1999) Linking ACL2 and HOL. Technical Report No. 476, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.

Patents and Patent Applications

Staples, M. and Rimba, P. (2018) Dynamic access control on blockchain. Pub. No.: WO/2018/039722.

Parker, J. and Staples, M. (2016) Method and device for neural implant communication. Pub. No.: WO/2016/115596.

University Lectures

I have run tutorials (supervisions) for more than 16 semesters/terms at the University of Queensland and the University of Cambridge, on subjects in programming, logic, program verification, and security. I have also developed material for and delivered the following lectures at the University of New South Wales:

2020, Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications (COMP6452), University of New South Wales. (Guest lecture.)

2019, Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications (COMP6452), University of New South Wales. (Four lectures on Architecture, Performance, Dependability, and Future Topics.)

2006, Architecture of Software Systems (COMP9117), University of New South Wales. (Two lectures on Software Product Lines.)

2005, Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (COMP9009), University of New South Wales. (Two lectures, on Software Configuration Management, Build and Release Management, and Software Product Lines.)