Monthly archives: November, 2008

Computer Science vs Software Engineering

My University education is in Computer Science, but by professional life and renewed research career is in Software Engineering.  A lot of people (and perhaps some University departments!) probably think these are just the same thing, with different names.  But in my transition to Software Engineering I’ve discovered they’re very different, and I think their …

Bottling the Full Malt Chilli Lager

Last weekend was bottling day for the full malt chilli lager.  Normally when bottling, you add some “priming sugar” to each bottle.  This is a small amount of extra food that the residual yeast will consume.  Yeast produces two important by-products in fermentation – alcohol and carbon dioxide.  The former is the goal during primary …

New Office

The NICTA lab where I work finally moved offices into a newly constructed building in September. The new building’s great – it’s such a nice change to have some natural light, and they’ve also installed a world-class coffee machine in the lunch room. The “designer rust” panels on the side of the building tend to …

Full Malt Chilli Lager

Now I’ve settled in a little to my new place, I’ve had time to put on a new brew. On the train every day I pass a homebrew shop at Thornleigh, and recently I managed to visit.  A homebrew shop is a different experience to buying homebrew kits at the supermarket. There’s all sorts of …