
Research Areas

Software engineering

  • Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Software architecture
  • Product-line development (large-scale reuse and variation)
  • Development process
  • Empirical software engineering

Digital finance

  • Tokenisation
  • Smart contracts
  • CBDC and settlement instruments
  • DeFi architectures and atomic settlement

Dependable systems

  • Formal methods
  • Applications of legal informatics and computational law
  • Proof engineering (metrics and productivity for formal verification)

Philosophy of engineering

  • Epistemology
  • Assurance, Trust, and Trustworthiness

Research Students

I am currently (co-)supervising the following PhD students.

  • Shidong Pan, ANU, on privacy policy generators
  • Anurag Soin, UTS, on enterprise blockchain governance

I have (co-)supervised the following research students (PhD and Masters by Research) to completion.

  • David Zhang, Ph.D., ANU (submitted 2024), Examining Unintended Consequences: Fairness Implications of Data Removal for AI in the Pursuit of Protecting Privacy and Copyright
  • Karina Honey, Ph.D., UQ (2024), Blockchain success: a transaction cost perspective
  • Sin Kuang Lo, Ph.D., UNSW (2022), Analysing the Design and Qualities of Blockchain-based Systems
  • Rajitha Yasaweerasinghelage, Ph.D., UNSW (2020), Model-based Evaluation and Design for Secure Architecture
  • Nazrina Khurshid Mohamed, Ph.D., UNSW (2017), Sustaining Software Process Improvement (SPI) in Software-developing Organizations
  • Shukor Sanim Mohd Fauzi, Ph.D., UNSW (2016), Developer Coordination in Software Engineering Projects
  • Paul Rimba, Ph.D., UNSW (2016), Building High Assurance Secure Applications using Security Patterns for Capability-Based Platforms
  • Dana Kusumo, Ph.D., UNSW (2013), Understanding Risks in Off-The-Shelf-Based Custom Software Projects
  • John Brondum, Ph.D., UNSW (2013), Architectural Dependency Analysis and Modelling
  • Yinkia Chiam, Ph.D., UNSW (2011), Representation and Selection of Quality Attribute Techniques for Software Development Process
  • Xi Chen, M. Eng., UNSW (2008), Toward a CMMI Specific Practice Implementation Planning Reference Model